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Horticulture - Division 28

  1. Specimens must be exhibited on a plate or in a low-sided box. They may then be covered with plastic wrap or put in a plastic bag, which will be removed before judging.

  2. Odd vegetables may be exhibited, but no awards will be given.

Instructions for preparing vegetables for exhibit:

  • Select specimens of top quality and at prime maturity, the best stage of eating for storing.

  • Exhibits for table use should be as fresh as possible.

  • Clean and properly trim exhibits according to specifications.

  • Select specimens free from disease, insect, or mechanical injury.

  • Specimens must be typical for the variety and type. Do not choose very small or very large specimens.

  • Uniformity in size, shape, maturity, color and type is essential. When a lot calls for a collection of specimens, be sure that all are as similar as possible.

  • Clean vegetables with a soft brush or facial tissue to remove loose soil without skinning or bruising the exhibit. Avoid washing if possible. Do not oil or polish.

  • The exhibit requires the exact number of specimens to be eligible for awards.

Instructions for preparing vegetables:

  • Asparagus-Trim to a uniform length of 7-8 inches. Ties in two places with ribbon or rubber band

  • Beans– Pods should be picked with ¼-½ inches of the calyx (stem) attached. Specimens should be well-filled. Snap beans should be firm, tender, and stringless.

  • Beets-Trim the tops to 1 inch in length. Specimens should be blocky, not angular. The neck should be narrow and the shoulders smooth. Do not remove tap roots, roots may be washed.

  • Broccoli-Harvest fresh and keep refrigerated until ready to exhibit. Remove all leaves below the head. The head should be at least 3 inches in diameter, stalk and head at least 6 inches long.

  • Cabbage– Heads should be firm and heavy for its size. Do not peel excessively. Two layers of sound outer leaves should be left on. The stalk should not be longer than ½ inch.

  • Carrots– Do not remove the tip of the root. Trim tops to a length of 1 inch. Shoulders should not be green or purple. Specimens should be straight and without side roots or root hairs.

  • Cauliflower– The curd should be at least 4 inches in diameter and uniformly pure white. Trim jacket leaves even with top of head. Some of the older leaves may be removed. Trim stems no longer than 1 inch.

  • Cucumbers– Pickling types should have ½ inch stems and be 2-5 inches long. Slicing types are to be 6-8 inches long with a diameter not exceeding 2 inches.

  • Dill– Cut seed heads with 10–12-inch stems. Tie near the lower end of stems and again just below seed heads.

  • Eggplant- The color should be deep purple or nearly black and a 1-inch stem attached.

  • Garlic-See Onions.

  • Kohlrabi– Roots should be removed just below the ball. Cut tops at base. Specimens should be uniform and of medium size, not hard or woody. Clean but do not wash.

  • Lettuce (head)– Harvest fresh or place in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator until ready to exhibit. Remove the older outer leaves that show yellowing.

  • Onions– Onions should be well-matured. Necks should be thin, dry, and approximately 1 inch long. Remove no more than one layer of skin clean. Trim roots neatly ¾ inch from the base.

  • Onions (green)– Trim tops to an even length, overall length of onions exhibited 6-8 inches. Up to ½ inch in diameter, straight, white stem and dark green leaves. Bulbs not enlarged. Even length. Table ready.

  • ParsnipsSee Carrots.

  • Peas– Pods should be picked ¼ to ½ inches of calyx (stem) attached. Specimens should be well-filled. Peas should be firm, tender, and stringless.

  • Peppers– Leave stems 1 inch long. All specimens in the exhibit should have the same number of lobes.

  • Radishes-Leave 1-inch tops. Wash and place six roots per plate. Harvest fresh or refrigerate until ready to exhibit. Specimen should be fresh, firm, crisp, good color, smooth, and free of blemishes.

  • Rhubarb– Pull, do not cut stalks. Trim leaves so only 2 inches of leaf blade remains attached to the stalk. Tie 6 stalks together.

  • Spinach– Remove roots, wash, and keep fresh by refrigerator until ready to exhibit.

  • Squash (summer)-Select small to medium-sized fruits with a rind that is soft and easily punctured with thumbnail. The stem should be 2-3 inches long.

  • Squash (winter)– The rind should be resisting the pressure of a thumbnail. Leave stems 2-3 inches long.

  • Swiss ChardSee Spinach.

  • Tomatoes– Remove stems.

  • Turnips– Specimens should not be over 2 ½ inches in diameter. Trim the top to 1 inch. Leave 2 inches of tap root.


Lot :

2801 Asparagus                          6 spears

2802 Beans (green)                   12 pods

2803 Beans (yellow)                   12 pods

2804 Beets                                   6

2805 Broccoli                               1 head

2806 Cabbage                             1 head

2807 Carrots                                6

2808 Cauliflower                          1 head

2809 Cucumbers (pickling)         6

2810 Cucumbers (slicers)            6

2811 Dill                                         3 heads

2812 Eggplant                              1

2813 Garlic                                    3 bulbs

2814 Kohlrabi                               3

2815 Lettuce (loose-leaf)            1 plant

2816 Lettuce (butterhead)          1 plant

2817 Lettuce (other)                    1 plant

2818 Onions (green)                    6

2819 Onions (yellow)                   6

2820 Onions (white)                    6

2821 Onions (other)                     6

2822 Parsnips                               3

2823 Peas, snap                           6 pods

2824 Peas, shell                            6 pods

2825 Peas, snow                           6 pods

2826 Peppers (green)                  3

2827 Peppers (red)                       3

2828 Peppers (banana)               3

2829 Peppers (jalapeno)             3

2830 Peppers (other)                   3

2831 Radishes (red)                      6

2832 Radishes (other)                  6

2833 Radishes (white)                  6

2834 Rhubarb                               6 stalks

2835 Rutabaga                             3

2836 Spinach                                3 leaves

2837 Squash (acorn)                    1

2838 Squash (buttercup)             

2839 Squash (butternut)              1

2840 Squash (Hubbard)              1

2841 Squash (Spaghetti)              1

2842 Squash (summer)                1

2843 Squash (zucchini)                 1

2844 Swiss Chard                          3 leaves

2845 Tomatoes (red)                    6

2846 Tomatoes (yellow)               6

2847 Tomatoes (cherry)               6

2848 Tomatoes (other)                 6

2849 Turnips                                   6

2850 Any other vegetables

2851 Vegetables in a pot

Garden Specials

Lot :

2861 Special lot to show off the whole garden in one exhibit. Six vegetables, one of each. Your Choice!

2871 Planted in a 4” container.

2872 Basil                                    3 stems

2873 Chives                                 12 stems

2874 Cilantro                               3 stems

2875 Parsley                               3 stems

2876 Rosemary                          3 stems

2877 Other                                  3 stems

Lot :


Raspberries-Overripe barriers are dull and soft and should be excluded. The fruit specimens should not contain a stem or core and are best displayed in a basket. Do not use a jar.

Strawberries-Exhibit ripe fruit, avoid fruit with green streaks. The caps and short stems should be left attached to the fruit specimens. Best displayed in a basket. Do not use a jar.

Instruction for preparing Fruits:

2881 Raspberries (fresh)              1 pint

2882 Strawberries (fresh)            1 pint

2883 Other                                    1 pint

Lot :

Fruits and Berries

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